All SageFinds purchases are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee.
To exchange or return a purchase, simply complete the form on the back of your packing invoice and return it to the address below with the merchandise. For your protection, return your package insured by UPS, or U.S. MAIL or use our easy Fedex online service to print a prepaid return label.
For fast and easy returns use our convenient Fedex self-service option to print a prepaid return label. A return shipping charge of $11.95 will be deducted from your refund or charged to your credit card for exchanges. Click below and complete the form to create a return label. Enter your order number in the "Reference Number" field and follow instructions on the label for package dropoff.
To exchange or return a purchase, simply complete the form on the back of your packing invoice and return it to the address below with the merchandise. For your protection, return your package insured by your local carrier.