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Chemical Free Water Conditioner

Price Range Original Price $34.99
Current Price $29.99
Out of Stock: Expected Shortly


  • Lime scale buildup is a serious problem in any home, with residue that can become hard as stone, blocking pipes and reducing the efficiency of your water heater, refrigerator, ice maker, and more
  • Simply slide the Chemical-Free Conditioner over your pipe and powerful ceramic ferrite magnets polarize salt molecules and prevent lime buildup
  • No moving parts, no power source needed
  • Lasts forever!

Item Details

Lime scale buildup is a serious problem in any home, with residue that can become hard as stone, blocking pipes and reducing the efficiency of your water heater, refrigerator, ice maker, and more. Simply slide the Chemical-Free Conditioner over your pipe and powerful ceramic ferrite magnets polarize salt molecules and prevent lime buildup. No moving parts, no power source needed. Lasts forever!

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